Massage Services

Colorado Springs Athletic Massage has over 21 years of experience helping people navigate the process of pain management, and learning how to properly tend to their health so that they can be present for all the things in life that bring them joy.

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Our Massage Approach

At Colorado Springs Athletic Massage, with our helping hands to craft a treatment that is custom-tailored to your needs, a way to manage and eventually eliminate chronic pain is possible. Contact us today to discuss treatment options that work for you!

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What Our Customers Say

Hands down the best massage therapist I've ever had! Sharyn is the best at finding problem areas that I didn't even know about leaves you walking out feeling refreshed.

Ryan F.

Seriously the best massage I've ever had. Everything about the experience was amazing. I strength train a lot and hold a ton of tension in my neck and shoulders. She was very thorough and specific. She is also very kind and her energy is so peaceful. I felt incredible after my first massage. I will definitely be going back on a regular basis. Highly recommend!

Rebecca S.

Sharyn’s experience and empathy make her THE best massage therapist I’ve ever had work on my body. I highly recommend a consistent and frequent regimen with her.

Nathalie I.

Benefits of Regular Massage

Whatever your reason for booking a massage, there’s no denying its power. It can do so much more than help you feel relaxed - regular massages can be a powerful tool in your healthcare regime.

Promotes Relaxation

Massage therapy is known to decrease cortisol levels in the body, a stress hormone which can contribute to sleeplessness. Massage can help the body enter ‘recovery mode’, which triggers relaxation to help you sleep better.

Increase Circulation

The long-term benefits of massage shouldn’t be underestimated, and improved circulation is just one of the perks! Massage gives tense, aching muscles the blood supply they need to heal. Plus, it releases pressure, and eases muscle pain.

Improves Flexibility

Massage can relieve this pressure and pain and improve flexibility too. Regular massage of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints helps your body to become more alert and it reduces injuries due to stiff joints.

Reduces Stress Levels

As well as improving your sleep, massage is the perfect therapy for stress relief, as it reduces stress hormones and can lift your mood. Regular massages also boost your energy levels and help to reduce anxiety, fatigue and depression.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a deep tissue massage?

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is used to address pain and injury in the deeper tissues of the body. This treatment is extremely beneficial for athletes, as it can help to relieve muscle tension and soreness and improve flexibility. It can also be helpful for people who experience chronic pain, or who have been in a car accident or experienced other traumatic injuries. Deep tissue massage is also known as "deep muscle work" or "work on deep structure." Deep tissue massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue in the body. It also increases blood and lymphatic circulation. I use deep tissue massage techniques to address injury and relieve pain in the deeper layers of muscle. Don't be afraid! Some people are nervous about deep tissue massages because they assume that it will be painful or uncomfortable, but this is actually one of the best ways to relax deeply and help speed up the recovery process. When you are faced with chronic pain or other troubling symptoms, a deep tissue massage can help to address the root cause of your symptoms. The majority of people fall into a state of deep relaxation during a deep tissue massage, as it is a very effective way to help the body relax and relieve chronic pain at both a physical and emotional level. People who suffer from chronic pain usually carry tension within their muscles, which tightens muscles and creates new tension. People with chronic pain also tend to be very stressed and anxious, which causes even more muscle tension and tightness. At Colorado Springs Athletic Massage, with our helping hands to craft a treatment that is custom-tailored to your needs, a way to manage and eventually eliminate chronic pain is possible. Contact us today to discuss treatment options that work for you!

What is lymphatic drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is a very gentle technique, usually with a gentle but firm amount of pressure applied by the therapist's fingertips to the body. In this way, lymphatic drainage can be compared to acupressure or shiatsu in its light touch and effectiveness in relieving symptoms and promoting good health.Many people think of the lymphatic system as an organ of elimination, but it is also an organ of absorption. All around the body are collections of cells that need to be cleared out and refreshed by filtering through your nodes or spleen (depending on their type), which filter impurities like bacteria and cancerous cells before they spread. The lymphatic system also collects excess fluid, which is transported throughout the body by the blood vessels and then filtered out. This process keeps you free of toxins or waste products that accumulate in your body. Without eliminating the buildup, it would be like allowing all of the dust in your house to continue to build up.
For the lymphatic system to be healthy, it's important to avoid dehydration, which makes you more likely to retain fluid. Common causes of dehydration are not drinking often enough throughout the day or eating foods high in sodium/salt. By drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your massage treatment you promote good health for your treatment. The process is a gentle, holistic massage technique that is very beneficial to the body. Our therapist at Colorado Springs Athletic Massage has over 21 years of experience in this energetic form of massage. Please call us today to speak with a representative and schedule your appointment.

What is a hot stone massage?

A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy that uses smooth, heated stones to soothe tension in various parts of the body. The therapist places the stones on the body and allows the heat from the stones to seep into the deeper layers of the muscle. With the heat from the stones, the therapist is able to penetrate the muscles more effectively and can help to relieve tight knots that have formed over time.  The therapist uses the stones and applies pressure to the muscles, making this a therapeutic experience. Many of the stones used are basalt, or lava rock, meaning that they retain heat very well. The therapist places them on different parts of the body and moves them around frequently. The therapist may massage before placing the stone or simply place it on top of the muscle and work around it for a few minutes. Using different techniques, this area will then be massaged to really relax the muscles. The therapist may leave the stones in place for a few minutes before removing them. The heat from basalt lava rocks is soothing and relaxing to the muscles because it increases circulation which aids with healing any injuries or chronic pain. Body temperatures are also raised slightly during this process, which can reduce aches and pains in the body, and even help to fight infection or disease. People who receive a hot stone massage can expect to feel like they have been reinvigorated and that their stress levels have reduced. Hot stones can be used for relaxation, but here at Colorado Springs Athletic Massage I also use them for some forms of physical therapy. A person who has sustained a traumatic injury can certainly benefit from the effects of a hot stone massage. If they are receiving this therapy during the time of injury, it can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Our therapist will sometimes apply hot stones to acupuncture points along with other therapies in order to increase the effects. With over 21 years of experience as a care provider in the Colorado Springs area, our hands are trusted by athletes everywhere. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of this treatment!

What is Gua Sha?

Gua Sha is an ancient healing technique that has many benefits. It helps to improve blood circulation, loosen muscles, and promote the healing of injuries. It can be done on different parts of the body such as muscles, tendons, meridians, or core energy lines. The process involves the use of an instrument to scrape the surface of the skin in order to relieve pain, stimulate blood circulation and draw out toxins that accumulate in the body. It can be considered a form of acupressure massage. The technique is used with different tools such as flat-edged spoons, rounded-edged combs, glass cups, or smooth stones. It is usually practiced on the face and back, however, it can be done on other parts of the body. Gua Sha is an ancient healing technique that was used mostly by women in rural China to treat their family members for sore muscles and fevers.

As mentioned before, Gua Sha is mostly used to treat muscle aches and pains, however, it can also be used to help aid recovery from a traumatic injury. The technique is mainly used on the back where there are many energy lines that need to be cleared of toxins but can be applied to areas such as the face, arms, legs, and even abdomen. If these channels get blocked, it can begin to manifest as illness. The scraping movement helps to activate blood circulation and breaks up the blockage. After treatment, the skin will be red and slightly swollen, but it usually goes away within an hour or two. This is not a long-lasting technique and should only be used as needed. There are many different techniques that can be learned and it usually takes time to practice before you can master the craft. At Colorado Springs Athletic Massage, I offer Gua Sha and other techniques that can help to release muscle tension and aches. It is an effective treatment for chronic pain that can be difficult to manage, such as lower back pain. It also helps with neck pain, arthritis, headaches, sinus problems, anxiety, insomnia, and provides a holistic form of stress relief. During our treatments at Colorado Springs Athletic Massage, we also like to add essential oils to the Gua Sha tool that help to promote faster healing and relief from pain. I find that combining massage therapy with acupressure techniques provides exceptional benefits for our clients and I invite you to come and try a treatment today! I am located in Colorado Springs, right off Austin Bluffs Parkway near the UCCS campus.

What is neuromuscular massage?

Neuromuscular massage is a type of massage that is used to treat problems in the muscles and the nervous system. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including tension headaches, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or even help with injury recovery. It is important to note that it can help with both the cause of your pain and the symptoms. Unlike traditional massage, neuromuscular massage is not only meant for relaxation but is also meant to manipulate the body's nervous system to help stimulate the natural recovery process. Many people confuse neuromuscular massage with trigger point therapy. While they do share many similarities, they are both very different. Trigger point therapy uses pressure to put pressure on the tender areas in the muscles that cause pain and discomfort, which is done manually. Neuromuscular massage, on the other hand, uses pressure and release techniques to manipulate the muscles that are swollen or tender due to a variety of causes. The goal is not only to help reduce pain but also restore normal function to the muscle and the surrounding area. Neuromuscular massage has been designed by physical therapists to help people who are recovering from surgery or injury, as well as those who are dealing with chronic pain, and is designed to manipulate the muscles by using a special technique that is focused on the neuromuscular system of the body. If you are looking to learn more about how this kind of treatment can benefit you, contact us here at Colorado Springs Athletic Massage today!

What is psoas release and why is it important?

Psoas release is the process of freeing the psoas muscle. The psoas muscle is located in the front of the hip and connects the lumbar spine to the femur. It helps with both flexion and extension of the hip. The psoas can become tight and restricted, which can lead to pain in the lower back and hip. Psoas release can help to relieve this pain tremendously when exercised correctly. There are many different yoga poses that can be used to stretch and free the psoas. Chair pose is a great way to stretch the front of the hip flexors, which includes the psoas. Similarly, the warrior pose is another one of these stretches that helps to activate this muscle and begin to reduce tension and stiffness. Psoas release might also refer to postural work on the psoas muscle. This can include using a rolled-up blanket under your hip while sitting or lying down. It might also involve rolling around on a tennis ball or foam roller that is positioned under the psoas. These are both great ways to release the psoas through movement, though it helps to first identify which areas feel restricted or tight.

The psoas is a very important muscle that should not be neglected during your routine at home, as well as here at Colorado Springs Athletic Massage. The benefits of properly releasing this muscle are immense and can increase your overall flexibility, as well as relieve pain in muscles surrounding the lumbar spine and hip. I have found great success amongst athletes when properly releasing this muscle for our clients who suffer from a variety of restrictive conditions or injuries, with over 21 years of experience in the Colorado Springs area doing so. The best way to release the psoas is through a combination of massage techniques as well as movement that activates or releases this muscle. I work with athletes who suffer from lower back pain and hip pain due to muscle tension and I help them increase flexibility and improve their ability to move freely without restrictions, through psoas release. By performing a combination of techniques, I have found great success in helping our clients achieve their goals. Colorado Springs Athletic Massage is here to help you move better and feel better!

What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger point therapy is a type of massage that helps relieve pain by targeting trigger points. Trigger points are small, contracted knots in the tissue that can cause pain when pressed or squeezed.  Knots in the muscle tissue can cause what is called "referred pain," the sensation of pain coming from a part of the body other than where it actually originates and is the result of muscle groups that are interwoven together becoming misaligned, pulling, and tightening on each other. If you don't address the root cause of the issue, it will persist, continuing to cause pain in areas surrounding it. They often develop when muscles are overused or injured. Some common examples of injuries that lead to trigger points would be sports and athletic injury, emotional or psychological problems including stress and depression, repetitive use of a certain muscle group, poor posture and body mechanics, or an imbalance in strength between two sides of your body, among other things. The most common areas for trigger point pain are the upper trapezius, glutes, rhomboids, and pectoralis muscles. Trigger point therapy involves an individual in the painful area to induce a "release" in the muscle by massaging it at its trigger point. A decompression table is one good device for this method because it provides compression and stretching of the limbs while relaxing tight muscles in targeted areas. This can also be done with deep tissue massage or yoga if a decompression table is not available. Our therapist uses expert attention to detail in a natural process of locating and working out these knots in your muscles, which will relieve pressure and pain in that area. Once this work has been done, the muscle tissue will become less sensitive to physical activity over time, leading to overall improved quality of life. Colorado Springs Athletic Massage has been providing massage therapy to the Colorado Springs area for over 21 years and understands how important it is for people to find a treatment that works for them. Contact us today to learn more about how this procedure can benefit you!

What is a prenatal massage and what are its benefits?

A prenatal massage is a form of massage that is specifically tailored to the needs of pregnant women. It is done by a trained therapist who has been specifically trained in prenatal care and treatment. Prenatal massage can help relieve many of the aches and pains that are common during pregnancy, as well as address any concerns you may have. A prenatal massage can help reduce the discomfort of pregnancy by helping your muscles to relax. The extra weight that you are carrying can put extra pressure on your muscles, causing them to be sore and tense. A prenatal massage focuses on the areas that are affected most, such as the neck, shoulders, lower back, hips, and legs. Prenatal massages can also help with a number of other issues that pregnant women may be experiencing. Some common pregnancy symptoms such as swelling and bloating of the feet, fatigue, and stress can all be helped by prenatal massages. Many women who have a prenatal massage say that it makes them feel relaxed and pampered, which can be very beneficial for both the mother and baby during the sometimes stressful experiences of your pregnancy.

A prenatal massage may also help you to feel better about the changes your body is going through. Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also come with its share of worries and fears. You may be worried about how big you are going to get, whether or not your baby is healthy, and how the pregnancy will affect your life. In addition to helping you feel more relaxed, a prenatal massage may also help you to have a better understanding of the changes your body is going through. Our therapist can talk with you about what is happening in your body and how it will affect your pregnancy. They may suggest home care techniques that can help to relieve some discomfort while you are pregnant, as well as techniques that your partner can use. Prenatal massages are also a great way to connect with your therapist. Many women say that it is their favorite part of the pregnancy because they feel relaxed, pampered, and connected with their therapist. Colorado Springs Athletic Massage provides an atmosphere where mothers can come to decompress and feel safe to experience the opening of a new chapter in life. Please contact us today to learn more about our massage therapy options.

What is myofascial release?

Myofascial release is a type of hands-on therapy that helps to relieve the tension in muscles and ease pain using pressure or force. The goal of MFR is to increase mobility by releasing the fascia from the surrounding muscle. This allows blood and lymphatic fluids to flow more easily, which cleanses the muscles and releases toxins. When patients visit our therapist for myofascial release, the patient is placed in a position that allows them to relax while the therapist applies steady pressure to certain parts of the body where fascia is tight and needs to be released. MFR not only helps the muscles relax, but it also gets rid of any scar tissue that can build up as a result of injury. Scar tissue limits mobility and movement, which can contribute to more pain in the affected area. MFR can help prevent this from happening by breaking down scar tissue and getting rid of the toxins that prevent blood from reaching those areas. The pressure used by our therapist can vary based on the needs of the client. It might range from light to a more firm pressure, depending on what each individual situation calls for. Over time, the therapist works to get rid of the fascia so that the body can heal itself. Myofascial release therapy provides many benefits to patients who are dealing with pain in their muscles or joints. Using this type of therapy allows our clients to move with less pain and more freedom, which means they can get back to doing the things they love without worrying about their physical limitations. If you suffer from chronic pain, then our myofascial release therapy might be right for you. Many people find that they are able to reduce their pain levels by having MFR therapy performed regularly. If you are in Colorado Springs and want to reduce your pain levels and increase your mobility, then contact us today. Colorado Springs Athletic Massage is always happy to help!